11 January 2010

Three Months Since…

I cannot believe it has been three months since I was involuntarily committed  when I tried to commit suicide. It seems like a lifetime ago (no pun intended). So many of the details have just become a hazy dream.

I still do not remember any of the events that led up to being committed. I guess I never will. At least I have all of the medical records to give me an idea of what and how it transpired—what a rollercoaster ride these 90 days have been.

I can say right now that I am in a much better space than I was on 11 October. It has been several weeks now since I have had any suicide ideation. For a while there, after I was discharged, it was a nightly event. I have done a lot of hard work in my group therapy sessions that ended 30 December. And, it appears that my psychiatrist has come up with a sustainable cocktail that has stabilised my bipolar disorder.

Do I regret what I have gone through? Absolutely not. The end result has been incredible. I am stronger mentally than I can ever remember since being diagnosed in 2000. I had what I thought was a pretty good cocktail all those years having nothing to which to compare. What I did not have before was a strong handle on specific coping skills that made the difference this time. Oh, sure, when I tried to commit suicide in 2005, I was exposed to DBT, but never felt it was for me. Truth be told, I thought it was all a bunch of bullshit. And, I’m not saying that I am totally sold on DBT even now—some of the tools have worked well for me; others have been not so much. This time around, I made a concerted effort to learn these tools even, if at first, I resisted strongly.

Lessons learned? I am not sure I can even address that facet yet. I am still feeling my through this maze. OK, one lesson I did learn hard was to never go off my medication. However, when I made the choice to go off my meds in April of last year, it was because I had just found out I had been laid off and could not justify the enormous expense. Now that my insurance has rolled over to a new calendar year, I still have to meet my $1200 deductible for this year. That means I have to pay 100% of all my meds at retail price until the deductible is met. Even though I have a job now, I am pretty tight financially and I am not sure where I am going to come up with the money. But, if I have to, I will put it on my credit card even though it pains me to have to resort to that possibility. I simply do not have the option to go off my meds.

Another thing I think I have learned is the enormous help therapy has been. Now that I am back at work, I can no longer participate in my group therapy sessions (they were always held for three hours three times a week during the middle of the day). I have hooked up with an individual therapist now and saw her last week (I had already had my intake appointment some time ago and one follow-up, but I had to concentrate on my group therapy then). I am not sure how individual therapy will help me as the dynamic is going to be different from group. When I met with her last week, I actually told her I was not sure where to start. She asked me what issues I had that were most pressing to me. Not wanting to bite off more than I can chew, I told her that I wanted to focus on my stress now that I am back to work after being on short-term disability for 12 weeks.

Now that my BP has stabilised, I am going to have to start to deal with my borderline personality disorder and my anxiety disorder. Now, that is going to open up a whole big can of worms. I think that I am only going to put one foot in front of the other and take everything slowly. I have made some significant process and I do not want to find myself in a spot where I begin to regress. I value where I am today and that is what I am going to hold onto—the here and now. As someone once told me, yesterday was over last night and I have no control over tomorrow.©2009

1 comment:

  1. I love that..."yesterday was over last night and I have no control over tomorrow". If you don't mind, I would like to use that myself:) I can't believe it has been that that many months since I found your blog. Since you had your horrible experience. When I found you, I too was in a very dark place. Look how far we have come! I am afraid that I am sinking back under again. The insurance company through work which is taking care of my long term disability is sending someone to my home on Feb. 3. I am panicking. How do you prove that your mind isn't working properly. I don't feel that I should have to tell a stranger, someone who I am not familiar with, the things that are going on inside my mind. I don't even know what her qualifications are. It's just not the same as a physical disability. You have more experience than I. What would you do? How would you handle this?
